- Xsinergia – Be Aware 100% scam alert! Transparency Company! Already Established? Unique Trading Profits! We reviewed their license to run! Fake!
- Synergi 2 Crypto – New Scam – You don’t build a site without information about your business! Especially License!
- BSCT’s Scam Alert on An scam opportunity run well because of high investments needs! Less scam reviews! Pure Unsafe Investment!
- DEA Lazer! With Unique Music! You want to Listen to his Works! It’s Dealazer 2.0! New Man in the Building!
- Hashing Advertisement! With Own Coin! Token of Advertise! Unqiue Chance! Airdrop Deluxe! Drops each day! Watch ADS!
- Scrambler BTC Miner! Finds accounts in the old private key Network! Finds 11.000 accounts with at least 25BTC in it! Up to 1000 acount searches each second! And it’s super random!
- Arbistar 2.0 a scam and generous proposition to make some alcoholic drinking people more rich! We have exposed the professional scam!
- Grace Shopee on Group Affylis on Facebook came with a cool promotion run on an Airdrop! Unique Value and indeed cool assets to get!